Charles Sanchez

Safety Director

Keeping every Batchelor & Kimball employee safe is Charles’ first and greatest priority.

To promote the day-to-day safety of all employees, Charles takes a multi-faceted approach. He ensures that B&K stays current and compliant with OSHA regulations. He oversees safety managers in the field, reviewing safety plans and helping to solve problems as necessary. He’s also on-site during critical operations, such as crane lifts, to make sure B&K employees and others in the buildings remain safe through the entire process.

Charles spent the first 20 years of his career working for a natural gas company, where he started out installing gas lines and eventually worked his way up to management. He joined Batchelor & Kimball as safety manager in 2008.

Charles values the personal contact he has with B&K team members; he keeps the phone by his bed at night and is available “24/7” to solve any safety issues. His mantra is for every employee to “leave the workplace just as you came in” – safe and protected.

He believes that safety deserves a proactive approach. At Batchelor & Kimball, we use an application called PIMS that gives our team the ability to report positive and negative safety instances and access safety resources such as videos, procedures, and daily safety updates. PIMS allows B&K to embrace every voice in our team by offering a platform where each and every Batchelor & Kimball employee can share their safety concerns and praise where safety has been done correctly. 

Charles is married and has four children. When he’s not working, he likes to restore old cars. He also enjoys spending time with his family, especially taking trips to Disney World.

“We as a company can make a difference in our employees’ safety, so that they can return home to their families at the end of the day.”